The VANADIUM 420 Match KR has been developed with the aim of providing better performance to fishermen who launch in a traditional way. To all those who have found Cesium too hard for them, or who have struggled to exploit all the power, Vanadium is the answer. The blank is much more progressive, softer and less demanding. With a simple throw over the head, we immediately obtain usual distances. Vanadium does not brutalize the fisherman, she accompanies him, humbly and without malice. All finesse, this cane has the expertise of its designer and has already posted distances on tracks greater than 230 meters in the hands of Stéphane Moulin, Champion of France 2015. Brought to the potential of everyone, this distance translates in fishing by very honorable values of the order of 150 meters with baits of usual volume. She is capable of carrying out medium-heavy to heavy fisheries. Reinforced to the joints by a metal ring, completely dressed in Fuji, the Vanadium 420 Match KR is the ideal product for nylons with a diameter greater than 25/100. It is suitable for the Mediterranean as well as the Channel or the Atlantic with leaden considered ideal between 125 and 150 g.